Asphalt Shingles Roofing Greensboro NC
Most homeowners spend a relentless amount of effort and time when they want to replace their worn out roof. Asphalt are a well-known roof shingle technology, giving homeowners an unmatched attractiveness, affordability, and dependability that lasts for more than 25 years if well-maintained. Asphalt shingles are one of the least expensive roofing materials, and shingles are available in a wide variety of colors. Asphalt shingles are generally used on sloped roofs, single houses and smaller residential projects just to mention some. These days, shingles are also available with various textures, thickness, and colors.
Need a Trusted Greensboro Roofer to help you fix your roofing issues. Our licensed Roofers will guide you From Roof Installation to Roof Replacement, from Commercial roofing to Residential Roofing. Our roofers hold decades’ experience and will ensure to deliver you with the best.
Types of Asphalt Roof Shingles
• Strip Asphalt Roof Shingles
Strip asphalt roof shingles are single-layered asphalt roofing shingles designed to look like slate. These light weight asphalt roofing shingles are mainly used in homes across North Carolina. Built on a tough fiberglass base, each shingle provides resistance to improve its durability. Strip roof shingles are usually installed on homes that already have strip shingles on the roof.
• Dimensional asphalt roof shingles
Dimensional asphalt roofing shingles are designed as multi-layered products and provide a thicker and rich look on the roof. Dimensional roofing shingles are a little heavier compared to strip roof shingles and have better guarantee protections which range from 30-years a lifetime.
• Premium asphalt roof shingles
Premium asphalt roofing shingles are usually known as luxury shingles and have a special appearance that separates them from conventional dimensional asphalt roofing shingles. These product designs simulate “old-world” roofing shingles, such as natural slate. Premium roofing shingles provide a considerably superior aesthetical attractiveness.
How Skywalker Roofing Can Help?
Skywalker Roofing is a well-known roofing company in the Greensboro area. We offer asphalt shingles roofing services for residential and commercial projects. If you are looking for asphalt shingles roofing services, please call us.